Hotels in Romania
Long-term partnershipis with over 100 Romanian hotels
Disadvantages in organizing accomodation directly with hotels
Travelling and business trips in Romania is a service that companies often organise by themselves with hotels or have left their affiliates or employees, who need the service to organise it independently.
This often leads to:
Spending of significant operating time for contacting hotels, confirmations, clarifications, payments;
Refusal of accommodation of guests, if payment is not received in advance, or the payment is not properly related to the respective client by the accountant of the hotel;
Price terms, which usually correspond to the hotel price policy for individual customers, and therefore it is not possible to negotiate further discounts;
Clients unawareness of hotel quality and level of services offered;
Guests disappointment frequently because of an expectation gap.
Working with more then 100 Romanian hotels
At GTS International, we maintain a long-term relationships with more than 100 hotels in the country. We try to offer different types of accommodation tailored to the budget and travel policy of our customers.
The large number of accomodations, which we provide in Romanian hotels for our clients, allows us to achieve substantial discounts in the prices generally offered. After receiving information about the main destinations of companies and their expectations, and policies on price levels, we negotiate special prices that are applied within one calendar year. At the end of the period, according to the number of overnights we renegotiate the terms in favor of the customer.
Our consultants carry out the whole process of booking, confirmation and provision of all necessary documentation for reporting of business trips.
The main advantages for using GTS International when you travel in Romania are:
Negotiation of prices corresponding to company policies;
Saves time for booking and changes;
Full service throughout the whole process;
Making a single payment to the agency, regardless of the numbers of destinations and accommodation;
Ability to postpone payment;
Gaining a financial bonus in reaching certain volumes.
Airplane tickets
One of the largest companies in Romania by the number of issued tickets
Corporate events
Our experience will provide the best opportunities for events in Romania and abroad.
Business trips abroad
We are working with specialised hotel systems, with access to locations and prices for more than 150 000 hotels
Incentive trips
Incentive trips are a strong marketing and motivational tool.
Managers meetings
Meetings of management teams are a key element of the success of a company.