Benefits to managers
For seniour managers it is of high importance trips to be organised according to their expectations.
Rarely, company managers are directly involved in the operations of travel service suppliers. It is of paramount importance for them these trips to be organised according to their expectations and take place smoothly.
Among the direct benefits to managers are the following:
Compliance with company travel policy and assistance in its creation and development;
Optimisation of expenditure for travel, meetings, events, etc.;
Professional management of company travel budget;
Provision of additional free benefits for employees;
Protection of confidentiality of information;
Implementation of a demand management system (monitoring of regular trips, cost distribution by destinations, departments and employees, and providing complete statistical information).
Benefits to the travel responsibles
We know what the travel organisers expect
Benefits to the finance departments
Clear accounting, reports, flexible payments
Benefits to the travellers
Ease of access to the travel services and information
Benefits to employees
Great offers for leasure travel services